
Prof. (Dr.) Anjina Reddy K.R.

Professor of Law and Principal

Qualification : B.A.L., LL.M., M.Phil. Ph.D.
Teaching Experience : 20 Years
Achievements :
  • Nominated as the Member, Board of Studies, Karnataka State Law University, Hubballi, for a period of 3 years.
  • Nominated as University Nominee to the Governing Council of Vidya Vikas Institute of Legal Studies, Mysore for a period of 3 years.
  • Education Today presented Prof. (Dr.) Anjina Reddy K.R, Principal, with Top 50 Effective Principals- 2021-2022: an award for exemplary contributions in the education field
  • Member, Academic Council, Karnataka State Law University, 2021-2022 50 Effective Principals, 2021 by Education (Premium Education Magazine)
  • Principal Par Excellence - Teachers Day Awards, 2021 by International Institute of Hotel Management, Bengaluru.
  • Yuvakara Ashakirana Prashasti by BMTC Vokkaliga Community and Officials Welfaare Association, Bengaluru in 2019.
  • Samaja Ratna by Crime Control Force and Sevron Foundation, Bengaluru in 2019


Prof. Reddy has LL.B. degree from Vidyodaya Law College, Tumkur and Master’s Degree in Law in Constitutional Law from University Law College, Bangalore University, Bengaluru where he secured 5th Rank in the University Exams. Prof. Reddy’s quench for knowledge made him successfully complete M. Phil in law and M.A in Political Science. He holds a Doctoral Degree in Law, from Sri Krishna Devaraya University, Ananthapuram, Andra Pradesh for the Thesis on, “Emerging trends in Environmental Law with special reference to Prevention of Water Pollution”, under the scholarly supervision of Prof. Dr. S.V.Pulla Reddy.

Heeding to the call from Academic Fraternity, Prof. Reddy began his career as a Academician as Guest Faculty at Panchami College of Law, for a brief period of 1 year. Thereafter, he served the esteemed institution BMS College of Law for a period of 13 years and became Associate Professor therein in the year 2017. Prof. Reddy is currently the Founder Principal of RV Institute of Legal Studies, Bengaluru and has been the driving force behind its stellar growth as the premier Law Institute in India.

Research Articles of Prof. Reddy are published in various Journals of repute and has chaired various Sessions in National and International Conferences and Seminars. To name the recent one, he has visited Nepal at Kathmandu School of Law as a resource person.

A man known for his administrative skills, Prof. Reddy has served the Bangalore University and other Universities in various capacities viz; BOE Member and Controller of Examinations and at present Academic Council member Karnataka State Law University. He is also the founder member of Asian Association of Law Professors, voluntary association for promotion of the interests of Law Faculty all across India.

Bhavana C
Ms. Bhavana C.

Assistant Professor of law

Qualification : B.A., LL.B., LL.M., KSET
Teaching Experience : 11 Years
Achievements :
  • Judged Final Round of Moot Court Competition organised by School of Law, Reva University, 2022.
  • Resource Person on Gender sensitization at Sheshadripuram Law College, Bengaluru, 2022.
  • Judged the 4th Surana & Surana and KLE Law College National Constitutional Law Moot Court Competition, 2022.
  • Resource person on Overview on IPR at Government First Grade College, Yellahanka, 2021.


Ms. Bhavana C. has an LL.B. degree from Bangalore Institute of Legal Studies, LL.M. from University Law College, Bengaluru with specialization in Environmental Law, pursuing Ph.D. in Karnataka State Law University. She qualified Karnataka State Eligibility Test (KSET) for Assistant Professorship accredited by UGC in 2018. She has successfully completed 10 years of teaching and is a certified trainer on Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace, (POSH Act, 2013) by PROTOUCH approved by SHRM.

She has published articles in multidisciplinary journals related to environmental issues. Her areas of teaching interest include International Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Intellectual Property Rights, Family Laws, Jurisprudence, Property Law, Cyber Law and Law of Torts.

Mr. Thejesh  K. M.
Mr. Thejesh K. M.

Assistant Professor in Management

Qualification : M.Com., MBA., PGDFM
Teaching Experience : 10 Years


Mr. Thejesh K M has completed Master of Commerce in Tumkur University and secured 4th rank. MBA from Sikkim Manipal University, Sikkim. His area of specialization is Accounting and Taxation. He has completed 10 years of Teaching Experience. He has attended various National conferences and attended workshop relating to National Education Policy. His areas of interests include Accounting, Taxation and Statistics.

Ms. Chaitra M.Doddagowdar
Ms. Chaitra M.Doddagowdar

Assistant Professor of Management

Qualification : B.Com., M.Com
Work Experience : 6 Years
Profile : Ms. Chaitra M Doddagowdar holds a post-graduation in Commerce from Davanagere University, Davanagere. She has previously worked as Assistant Professor of Management at JMS Academy First Grade College, Davangere,
Her areas of interest include Financial Management, Statistics, Auditing and Assurance.
Achievements :
  • 2nd Rank to Davanagere University, Davanagere in Master of Commerce
Conference and workshops: :
  • Paper submitted on: Impact of demonetization: A study on healthcare and pharmaceutical industry
  • She has worked under the organization committee as a member for two- day national seminar on "Impact of Demonitization on the Indian economy, post - Demonitization issues and intricacies" which was jointly organized by: government first Grade College for women, Davanagere, and ARM first Grade College and P.G.Centre, Davanagere
  • Participated and worked under the organization committee as a member for one- day National seminar on “The contemporary problems and solutions approaching of multidisciplinary studies” this was organized by: ARM first Grade College and P.G. Centre, Davanagere

Ms. Charuta Nair
Ms. Charuta Nair

Assistant Professor of Law

Qualification : B.A., LL.B; LL.M.
Work Experience : 2 Years
Profile : Ms. Charuta Nair holds a graduate degree and LL.M. in Constitutional and Administrative Law from the School of Law, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, Karnataka, where she secured the second rank in the University

Professional Experience: Ms. Charuta Nair started her career as an Assistant Professor at Ramaiah Institute of Legal Studies in Bangalore, Karnataka, where she also held the position of Faculty Coordinator of the Moot Court Committee. She was responsible for teaching subjects such as Human Rights Law and Practice, Company Law, Public International Law, IPR, and Administrative Law. She has a teaching experience of 1 year. Her areas of interest include Artificial Intelligence and Law, Human Rights and IP Law.
Published various papers: :
  • “Legal Provisions in Relation with the Protection of the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups: An Analysis”, Book Chapter, Scholar’s Paradise, ISBN: 978-81-941519-5-1, July, 2023

  • "AI in IA: The Future of Artificial Intelligence in the field of International Arbitration with special emphasis on India", Book Chapter, Alternative Dispute Resolution System: New Trends, Contemporary Challenges and Future, ISBN: 978- 93-5768-724-9, April, 2023

  • "A Critical Analysis of Executive Accountability in a Parliamentary Democracy with special reference to India and the UK", Indian Journal of Integrated Research in Law, Volume 2, Issue 5, ISSN: 2583-0538, September, 2022 “

  • “A Critical Analysis of the Healthcare Policy in India with special reference to COVID-19”, International Journal of Legal Enforcement, Volume 2, Issue 1, ISSN: 2582-8894, January, 2022

Mr. Srinivas S.M.
Mr. Srinivas S.M.

Assistant Director, Physical Education

Qualification :, B.P.Ed, M.P.Ed , (Phd)
Profile : Mr. Srinivas SM has completed his from National College Bagepalli , B.P.Ed Degree from BGS College Of Physical Education Chickkaballapura And Master of Physical Education(M.P.Ed) from Bangalore University. He is pursuing Ph.d. from Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu

His areas of Specialization are Volley ball, Throw ball, Kabaddi, Basketball, Athletics, Aerobics, Yoga, Swimming, Aqua Aerobics and Aqua Yoga, Hockey, Handball, Badminton, Table Tennis, Cricket, etc.
Achievements: :
  • Qualified Karnataka State Volley Ball Referee Exam in the year 2015

  • Nominated as a team manager for All India Inter University Athletic Championship held at Mangalore Alvas College in the year 2019, under Bangalore North University

  • Nominated as a team Coach for All India Inter University Best Physique Championship held at Mangalore Yenapoya University in the year 2021-22 under Bangalore North University.

  • He has presented papers in National Level Conferences and published papers in International journals. He has attended various workshops, and webinars relating to physical education, fitness, nutrition, yoga, athletics, etc.

Ms. Rochani Rao
Ms. Rochani Rao

Assistant Professor of Law

She started her career by practicing in High Court and Trial Court, Bengaluru.

She has various publications in her name ranging from Long Articles to Short Articles and Research Papers.

Qualification : B.A.LL.B.; LL.M.
Profile : She has completed her graduation from Vaikunta Baliga College of Law, Udupi, Karnataka State Law University with 5th Rank in the University. She completed her LL.M. in Commercial Law from CMR University, Bengaluru with First Rank.
Research Paper and Publications :
  • Long Article titled "OTT Platforms and Religious Sentiments: An Analysis in the Perspective of Content Regulation" in CMRU JCLA Volume V.

  • Presented a paper titled "Sufferings of Non- pandemic Patients During the Pandemic" in an International Webinar on the concept of Law, Public Health and Pandemics: Changing Dimensions of Right to Health organized by Central University of Kerala.

  • Presented a paper titled " Indian Constitution and Gender Equality" in a National Webinar on the concept of Holistic Review of Women Laws organized by Department of Law Central University of Kerala.
  • Successfully completed a short term course on Contract Drafting, Food safety and consumer protection and, Constitutional Law.
  • Attended many National and International webinars-
    - National Seminar on Legal Research Methods.
    - National Policy Colloquium on India's National Security and Legal Paradigm.
    - International Conference on Emerging Trends in International Trade Law with special reference to India.
    - National Webinar on Human rights.
    - National Webinar on Farmer's Bill 2020: ONE NATION ONE MARKET- Understanding the Implications.
    - International webinar on Changing Dimensions of International Law.
Subjects Taught: : Public International Law and Jurisprudence

Mr. Sumanth Kumar. T.S.
Mr. Sumanth Kumar. T.S.

Assistant Professor of Law

Qualification : B.A.LL.B.; LL.M.
Profile : Sumanth Kumar T.S. is a highly accomplished legal professional who completed his B.A.LL.B in 2019 at BMS College of Law and subsequently earned an LL.M in 2022 at University Law College & Department of Studies in Law, where he stood out as the top scorer in his college. His noteworthy academic achievement includes an outstanding dissertation titled "A Critical Analysis of Capital Punishment in India with Reference to the Doctrine of Rarest of Rare Cases."

He has a robust professional background, having practiced at the High Court of Karnataka, specializing in Criminal matters and Civil matters. His areas of teaching interest include Criminal law, Constitutional law, Contract Law and Family Law.

He has published a paper on, “An Assessment of the Judicial Approach in the Quashing of Compromised Rape Cases using the High Court’s Inherent Powers in India”, in International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 4, Issue 6.
Certificate Courses: :
  • Legal Research & Writing by Lawctopus

  • Access to Justice by SWAYAM Online Course Certification

  • Litigation Basics : Navigating Cases & Files by Lawctopus
Paper Presentations: :
  • Presented research paper titled & Criminal Justice System and the Victim: A Critical Analysis through Indian Perspective", at International Conference on Transitional Paradigm of Criminal Jurisprudence in India at KristuJayanti College of Law in collaboration with Karnataka State Law University, Hubballi.

  • Presented research paper titled " Access to Justice for Senior Citizens" in National virtual seminar on "Legal Services - A tool for Access to Justice" at University Law College & Department of Studies in Law in Association with Karnataka State Legal Services Authority.

  • Presented research paper titled "Judicial Trends on Criminalizing Marital Rape : Imaginary consent in Marriage" at National seminar on the topic “Legal Regime relating to Reproductive Rights of Indian Women and Social Reality” by ShankarraoChavan Law College, Pune in association with Cell for Human Rights Activities (CHRA)

Dr. Ruma Chakrabarthy
Dr. Ruma Chakrabarthy

Assistant Professor of Political Science

Qualification : B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
Profile : Dr. Ruma Chakrabarthy has a M.A. in Political Science and a Ph.D from University of Mysore in the area of Education Policy Analysis; accompanied by several years of work experience in research and teaching. She has participated in many Seminars and published research papers in ISBN journals. She has edited and also translated books pertaining to Political and developmental issues.

Ms. Monica Potnuru
Ms. Monica Potnuru

Assistant Professor of Law

Qualification : B.A.LL.B.; LL.M.
Profile : Ms. Monica Potnuru has an LL.B. degree from University Law College and pursued LL.M. from Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University, Visakhapatnam specialization of corporate and commercial laws. She has practiced as an advocate for 3 months in Andhra Pradesh High Court. She has a teaching experience of 6 months.

She completed her LL.M. Dissertation on the topic- "Money laundering".

She has successfully completed a Certificate Course on "cyber law" conducted by BMS College of Law in July, 2017. She did public awareness campaign on "Legal Aid and its Use".She spoke on the topic: "Food Safety" and "Good Touch and Bad Touch".
Subjects Taught: : Constitutional Law

Interpretation of Statutes

Contract Law

Mr. Pradeep Kumar Bharadwaj
Qualification : B.A., LL.B., LL.M., M.B.L., M.A. in Sociology, M.A. in English
Teaching Experience : 12 Years
Advocacy : 17 years; Enrolled to Karnataka State Bar Council in 2005 and practicing in various aspects of Litigation and Court Room practices since then.
Achievements :
  • Panel Advocate to State Bank of India
  • Certified Private Mediator
  • Judged several National level Moot Court Competitions organized by: School of Law, Christ University; Bangalore Institute of Legal Studies; Faculty of Law, PES University; School of Law, Presidency University; School of Law, Alliance University
  • Judged Trial Advocacy and ADR Simulation Competitions at School of Law, Christ University
  • Won III prize in Individual Moot Court Competition conducted by Lahari Academy, Karnataka Bar Association in 2005 at City Civil Court, Bangalore


Mr. Pradeep Kumar Bharadwaj has LL.B. degree from V.V.Puram College of Law, LL.M from Kuvempu University, double M.A. in Sociology and English from Mysore University and Acharya Nagarjuna University respectively, M.B.L. from National Law School of India University. He is pursuing Ph.D. in K.L. University, Andhra Pradesh. He has 12 years of teaching experience and is specialized in teaching procedural laws.

He has published articles in multidisciplinary journals related to Criminal Law and ADR techniques. His areas of teaching interest include C.P.C., Cr.P.C., Law of Evidence, Transfer of Property, D.P.C. and Moot Court Training.

Dr. Shantaraju

Visiting Faculty of Kannada

Qualification : M.A. (Kannada), Ph.D.
Experience : 25 Years
Dr. Suma Sanjeev

Visiting Faculty of Kannada

Qualification : M.A. (Kannada), Ph.D.
Experience : 11 Years
Mrs. Deepika Ravi Poojary

Assistant Professor of English

Qualification : Diploma in HRM, Diploma in TESOL and TEFL, Certified Makeover Artist
Teaching Experience : 12 Years
Tails of Achievements :
  • Rank Holder of MA in English Literature
  • Winner of Teacher's Award 2020 by IIHM, Bangalore
  • Smart Girl Trainer of BJS
  • Philanthropist - Active member of Shrigandha Foundation
  • Performer in NOKIA - Naada Habba
Mrs. Hema N

Assistant Professor of English

Qualification : MA (ENglish) Diploma in HRM, Diploma in TESOL and TEFL
Teaching Experience : 12 Years
Awards and Recognitions :
  • Best Academician award - Certificate of Excellence by St. Mother Theresa's University, a recognition for outstanding achievement, remarkable leadership, assertiveness and ingenuity making a lasting impression to the society
  • Certification of completion - International Olympiad for teachers by Suraasa academy, Dubai delivering teaching learning practices and enhancing realistic teaching capabilities
  • Certification of Participation received for attending workshop on "Reflection on language and thought" by Prof Noam Chomsky, Laureate professor of linguistics, Massachusetts, University of Arizona
  • President of WICCI for India South Korea - Nominated as the President of WICCI for India South Korea-Women's Indian chamber of commerce and Industry,India's national business chamber for women that promotes business development, environmental sustainability and gender equality bridging the gap between India and South Korea
  • Appointment as State Chair, Karnataka for mentoring and motivation G100, a global leadership chair gives suggestions and recommendations to multilateral institutions such as UN and Government worldwide and creates massive opportunities for women worldwide
  • Appeared on Lifestyle magazine - Lifestyle magazine is a global magazine headquartered in India publishing bi-weekly for Asia, NAmerica, SAmerica, Europe, Oceania and Africa covering a broad spectrum of topics including fashion, beauty, women power, success stories, celebrities, wellness etc. It is the first and most read English magazine worldwide capturing the essence of global affluent citizens for almost 15years
  • Won the title "Above and Beyond Corporate Fashion Week" season 2- 'Be your own label'CFW focuses on highlighting women from various professional front and identifying and paving way into fashion and glamor
Awards and Recognitions :
  • Paper setter for autonomous examination Appointed as paper setter for Autonomous examination - conducted by BMS College of Engineering, Bengaluru-affiliated to VTU
  • Workshop at ISBR Law College - Soft skills training program as a part of Orientation for degree students pursuing law at ISBR, Technology, women cell and conducted a workshop on communication, lifestyles and career opportunities.Bannerghata road
  • Guest of Honour at SKIT - Invited as Chief guest for an orientation program for degree students at Sri Krishna Institute of Technology
  • Co-authored "Teri Mitti" - Co-author in the anthology "Teri Mitti" written on our patriots published by Writers Apex Publications
  • Honoured by MAAC, an aesthetic clinicare on International women's day
  • Invited as a guest speaker for Orientation program at RR Institute of Management studies
  • Guest at BVI Youth Club for an interactive panel discussion on "Lessons from real life"

Ms. Ujala Tiwari S

Assistant Professor of Sociology

Qualification : B.A.; M.A
Profile :

She has completed her Bachelors Degree from Vijaya College, Jayanaga, Bengaluru and M.A. from Bangalore City University (BCU).

She has also completed PGDM in Counseling Therapy in Linguistic and Gastrology. She has also presented National Paper on Single Parenting – a trend in family structure.

Mr. Santosh Kumar B. Nargund
Mr. Santosh Kumar B. Nargund

Senior Library Executive

Mr. Sagar S.
Mr. Sagar S.

Library Executive

Mr. N. Mahesh
Mr. N. Mahesh

Assistant Manager, HR & Administrator

Ms. Sudha K
Ms. Sudha K

Senior Executive Accountant

Asha P
Mrs. Asha P


Mr. Yatesh Yadav T.C.
Mr. Yatesh Yadav T.C.

Office Assistant

Ms. Prema C.S
Ms. Prema C.S


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